Monday 21 February 2011

Emotional Blackmail by Labours Spindoctors-Dan Jarvis Barnsley by election

You know I read the sad account of Dan's loss on many a blog and I feel, as will most people, the sense of loss of a loved one. As any parent will appreciate when there are children involved they need a strong and guiding parent to be there in their time of grief. The death of someone so close, as David Cameron will testify, is something precious and to be held dear to protect the rest of the family.

So you can imagine, when I saw the Labour booklet that is being pushed through doors in the Barnsley constituency, I was horrified that the Labour spinsters had gone into overdrive extracting every last morsel of emotional tug from this poor man and his family. I cannot completely discredit Mr.Jarvis for his complicity in this exposition as it could not have been so diligently crafted without his say so.

It beggars belief that anyone in their right mind would stoop so low as to allow the Labour spinsters to print the Jarvis family album, exploiting not only his kids but that of his dearly beloved wife.

If a man can do this to his dearly beloved and cherished ones what is this man capable of in the future. Could anyone trust someone that uses his own family including his deceased wife to gain a few votes?

This is truly disgusting in my eyes and I feel sure that the people of Barnsley will see it as such also.

Lets Move Forward Together with Enis Dalton and the British National Party?


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