Saturday 29 January 2011

British National Party Appoints Candidate for Barnsley By-election NOW WITH VIDEO

Enis Dalton, a well-known local community worker, has been appointed the British National Party’s candidate in the forthcoming by-election in Barnsley, organiser Ian Sutton has announced.

Speaking before a packed meeting to mark the end of a day of action in the constituency, Mr Sutton said that Ms Dalton’s close connection to the constituency and her standing in the community made her the ideal candidate to carry the party’s banner.

"We needed a local person to represent the local community, and someone who has shown a commitment to this party," Mr Sutton said.
"We are the real working class people and grossly misrepresented in Westminster," Ms Dalton said.
"One of the my hopes is to bring about change in politics. But I hope people looking at me standing in this election, they will think, well, if Enis can do it, then they can as well," she said.

About 150 activists turned out and distributed near enough 46,000 leaflets in the constituency, Mr Sutton added.
“This means that near enough the entire constituency has been covered today,” Mr Sutton said. “This is a fantastic achievement and I want to thank all the people who took part in this day of action.”


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