Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The Heart of Britain-Barnsley by Election-British National Party-So We Are Attractive Are We?

So, the 'classy' research survey that has recently been plucked out of the ether by the Daily Mail amongst others stating that Right Wing Politicians are more attractive is used as the centre piece of an equally 'classy' piece of Journalism.

Within the last few days there have been many press releases talking of the popularity of 'Right Wing this' and 'Right Wing that.'

In fact you'd think that everyone was jumping into bed with the British National Party we've become so loved.................and that the people of Britain have decided that Right of Centre Politics is for me?

Why even activists within the Party must be thinking 'this is it!' this is the big breakthrough that we've been waiting for. The papers are backing the British National Party, surveys are coming out one after another praising Right of Centre Politics, and the EDL are free to chase away all the Muslims and Antifascist supporters.

So,whats the problem?

The problem my friends is that everything is emanating from the centre of the Communist, Marxist, Socialist and Anarchist Ivory Tower. That of Gerry Gables Searchlight Organisation.


It is my belief that Searchlight, together with the Guardianistas and other Media/Establishment figures, are looking to portray the Right of Centre as a new class or group structure.

It is a very clever and 'attractive' ploy as it reaches into the very psyche of Human Nature with it's imagery and media coverage.

The Left or the 'REDS', social engineers if you like, have always, as a group, linked together under the umbrella of the big RED, the Labour Party. Although holding opposed ideologies each of the lefty organisations shelter under the umbrella each waiting for the day when the Revolution takes hold. Sadly for them their day, if there ever was one, has passed and so they sit under their umbrella hoping and dreaming.

'If we could only remove the British National Party then we might have a chance', they cry!

Try they do and fail on an ever increasing basis.

However, I like this latest one as it shows a real depth of thought rather than sending the usual grunts out with their purple banners and their silly racist chants.

They say that you can lead a bull to water but you cant make it drink.

Yes you can try and lead the public's perception but you cant always predict the outcome?

This is probably the most dangerous powergame in British History.

If the REDS win the British National Party and the Conservatives will be seen to be reprehensible to the working class as they will be associated with Thatcher and the Tories, self obsession and becoming the middle to upper class pacifiers supporting National protectionism. The RED PLAN is also laying down the psychological link and public perception of the Liberal Democrats i.e. pictures of Ed Balls alongside those of Vince Cable described as unattractive. Seeking the public sympathy as the unattractive, working class heroes. As for Searchlights contribution, with the Socialist structure of Labour Policy and the Human Rights/EU lovers of the Liberal Democrats they are well placed to reap any benefits that may be forthcoming.

If the RED,WHITE and BLUES win the Labour Party and all it's ideological undergraduates will collapse and the void will never again be filled. Labour are Bankrupt as a Party and as a Policy maker. They are now struggling for their very survival as a Party. With an inadequate speaker/orator at their head and the wannabe in the wings Ed Balls Labour are struggling for support even from their main financiers and backers, the Unions. This is why, I believe that, Labour are aligning themselves to the Liberal Democrats as they know full well that any future elections are going to require their services in both funding and representatives/candidates and as many councils up and down the country will report there are a healthy contribution of both parties.

It was already intimated by certain Union Leaders that financial support would not be forthcoming, as everyone struggles financially, in a post Labour Administration.

There is nothing attractive about what is to come in Britain's beleaguered County, District and Regional Council cuts and of course it was never going to be the right time to take on a new 5 yr term at No.10 but take it on the Coalition did. Now they must take the consequences of that action. I am not about to praise either of the Coalitions Policies and I particularly deplore the traitorous behaviour of the Liberal Democrats towards their party faithful and betrayal of UK students alike. However, the fact remains that Labour borrowed,borrowed and borrowed again until the final incongruity; the sale of Gold Reserves.

So, are the British National Party truly attractive? Yes, I believe so!

  • Their Policies are sound
  • Their Pride and National Identity is unquestionable
  • Their belief in a Britain for Indigenous British Citizens is unshakeable
  • and Their Love for their Country is represented by their Heart shaped British logo

Moving Forward Together with Enis Dalton
and the British National Party


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